Why aren’t production and safety working out of the same office yet? Start with the common ground between safety and production. On this Episode 51, how production and safety can work better together.
Companies associate the success of the operations department with efficiency, productivity and profits. But, in safety, success is determined by a complex formula ending in TRIF rates and with the prevention of occupational injury and illness. How do you make these two necessary parts of a company work together if they are not even measuring the same things?
Here are five ways to marry safety and production.
Kevin Burns is a management consultant, safety speaker and author of "PeopleWork: The Human Touch in Workplace Safety." He is an expert in how to engage people in safety and believes that the best place to work is always the safest place to work. Kevin helps organizations integrate caring for and valuing employees through their safety programs.
Be positive about your safety program and the way it helps to protect and value your good people. On this Episode 50, four ways to promote your safety program positively.
To promote something is to advance a cause or a program; to support it or to actively encourage. So, when you tell your people to be safe, you are promoting safety. When you pepper your workplace with posters as safety reminders, you are promoting safety. When you hold a safety meeting, you are promoting safety. When you recognize good behaviors, you are promoting safety. And in order to build a solid safety culture, you can't do it without promoting safety.
But how do you ensure that you are doing it positively in a way that doesn't undermine the safety program? Here are four key areas to promote your safety program and employee safety and make sure that you're doing it in a positive way.
Kevin Burns is a management consultant, safety speaker and author of "PeopleWork: The Human Touch in Workplace Safety." He is an expert in how to engage people in safety and believes that the best place to work is always the safest place to work. Kevin helps organizations integrate caring for and valuing employees through their safety programs.